
07 5564 6501


The spleen has various functions, mainly its job is to act like a blood filter, it removes old red blood cells and platelets, and it also is able to detect and fight against certain bacterial infections. There are various reasons people need their spleen removed. Sometimes in certain autoimmune disorders such as Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenic Purpura (ITP), your spleen’s filtering role becomes overactive and removes too many blood cells and platelets from your body. This is the most common reason for people requiring a splenectomy.

Most people with reflux have mild symptoms requiring no treatment, some people require medication to decrease the amount of acid in the stomach. Many patients choose not to continue with drug treatment and elect to have an anti-reflux operation.

An anti reflux operation is performed under general anaesthetic as a laparoscopic (keyhole) procedure. Depending on the specific of the cause of your reflux, the procedure can involve narrowing the valve mechanism between the oesophagus and stomach, and also wrapping part of the stomach around the oesophagus. Most people’s symptoms are relieved extremely well with this procedure.

After the procedure you would usually need to remain in hospital for 1-2 nights and can return to your normal daily activity within a week. We will discuss with you the specific dietary intake you can have for the weeks following the surgery.

Christmas closure dates

Our office will be closed for Christmas from 12pm on Friday, December 20 and will reopen at 8:00am on Monday, January 6.
For any urgent medical needs during this time, please call 000 or visit your nearest emergency department.

Wishing you all a safe and joyful festive season.